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Friday, February 2, 2007

The Mercury misses the whole story...

The Mercury misses the whole story...
Tasmanian Times had the latest RPDC story from The Australian, which provided different information to the Mercury story. Maybe they have different lawyers, they're both part of News Ltd. Matthew Denholm often has some things to say that don't get aired in Tassie.
Bill Bale now appears to be on the wrong side of the Premier too, having let the cat out of the bag - The Mercury reports that he has said the Premier directed him to negotiate Julian Green's $140,000 payout. Can the Premier survive this? Probably.
Tasmanian Times have obviously lost patience. This comment is worth a read for a pessimistic view, which fits the facts, and may turn out to be sadly accurate. See the statement from Warwick Raverty in there. Mmmm...
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