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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Hartz Peak - 3 February 2007

Hartz Peak - 3 February 2007
NE view from the Hartz Plateau, early morning - 3 Feb 2007Alex on Hartz Peak, with Emily Tarn behind - 3 Feb 2007Alex and I walked up Hartz Peak quite early yesterday morning. Cloudy to start with, and it stayed cloudy as we got to the peak, but with the clouds swirling around in the early morning sun, it was quite spectacular. Good views down to Emily and Arthur Tarn, but no view to the west from the peak for us today. It cleared as we made our way down, and the tourists going up probably got a good view of SW Tas.

Hartz Pass - 3 Feb 2007

Hartz Lake - 3 Feb 2007Hartz Lake with clearfell - 3 Feb 2007
We did get a good view of Hartz Lake as we descended. The light was very interesting at times, very pastel in nature, but I haven't quite captured it in the photos. I'll see what I can do with the RAW files though, the photos here are from the jpegs. I think the light would have come out very well on Kodakchrome, but I haven't used any for years. That clearfell high up on Mt Picton makes an appalling backdrop to this beautiful lake, don't you think?

Olearia ledifolia (left) and Orites revoluta, I think! - 3 Feb 2007I think I've cleared up which plant is what, because I think I've got a shot of both Olearia ledifolia and Orites revoluta next to each other. Which means the prostrate "tree" is an Orites. They're both supposed to flower about now, but there was no sign of this. Possibly these plants are sterile?

The visitor shelter continues apace. Looking forward to seeing this when it's finished. It'll be good for those freezing windy days.
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