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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hartz Peak - 13th January 2007

Hartz Peak - 13th January 2007
New paved trackwork above Hartz Pass, Hartz Mountains - 13th Jan 2007
Had a rather windy walk up Hartz Peak yesterday. Didn't have a lot of time available, so it was just a quick trip, up and back. They've done quite a lot of track work recently above Hartz Pass and close to the summit. There is now a paved track for much of the distance. It was so windy at one point that I was blown off the track, and my sunnies blew off. Cold at the top, and the view was obscured by mist and drizzle.
Prostrate shrub high on hartz Pk, probably Orites revoluta - 13th Jan 2007The plants up there put up with a lot, and there's this particular plant lying across the track. It's a "prostrate" shrub, but it clearly resembles a tree lying down. I think it's an Orites revoluta, but it could be Olearia ledifolia (known as the Daisy Bush). Apparently they are often confused, and the only difference is the colour of the underside of the rolled-up leaves ("revolute"). It was a bit windy for checking things like that, even if I'd known it at the time.
Progress on new visitor shelter, Hartz Mountains - 13th Jan 2007The building of the visitor shelter at the end of the road is proceeding noticeably now. Looks like it will be a quite attractive building, if a little obvious.
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